The Witches New Year! For this is the beginning of the wheel of the year.
For there is no greater time when the veil between the living and dead are at it's thinnest.
Which makes this a perfect Sabbat for divination.
Mainly it is the time that we celebrate all those who have passed during the year. It is not a time for sadness but joy. For they may be dead in body, but in spirit they live on. A huge feast is set for dinner and a plate for those who has passed on is set on the table as well.
In Mexico this tradition is honored by going to the loved ones grave and having a picnic there. The family talks about the good times they had. For it is a time or remembrance and divination.
In the Wiccan tradition, it is a time when The God has died. For Pagans they acknowledge that the earth will no longer be producing any type of harvest and they will do thier best to give back to the earth all the vegtables, fuits, etc that have not rotted. Instead of throwing them away, they leave it to the land. People will also prepare for the winter months to come.
HERBS - Sage, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Mugwort, Frankencese, Bay Leaf, Corriander, & Rue.
STONES - Bloodstone, Crystal, Obsidian, Amethyst, Diamond, & Peridot
Samhain - All Hallows Eve - Halloween
Yule - Winter Solstice - Christmas
The time for Rebirth is now, even though the earth may be cold, hard or even frozen.
Things are now laying dormant deep within the earth. Along with Rebirth comes the need
and time for reflection.
For in the Wiccan tradition the Goddess has just given birth again to the God. She too must now rest. Most people can relate to this feeling and start to go into hybernation as
well. To withdraw from people and activities during this time is normal and sometimes you
may feel like you are disconnected.
Instead of reaching out for the Goddess, try letting yourself go to the Crone. There is great
comfort with her and she will nurture you if you let her during this time. Rest and do not take
any big task if you are not motivated to do so.
Yule logs are a great thing to include in your Yule Sabbat ritual.
HERBS - Holly, Pine, Chamomile, Cinnamon, and Peppermint.
STONES - Emerald, Sapphire, Crystal, Sodalite, and Gold.
Imbolc - Candlemas - Groundhog Day
Things are now starting to stir beneath the earth. One way of helping with the earth is to care and nurture her by pouring Milk and honey onto the ground.
It is a time for white candles as well. White is for purity during this time and the flames of the candles also purify. The Goddess Bridget is honored highly during this Sabbat as well.
Putting a candle in the window during this day is a older tradition that some Pagans in Britian still perform.
Some Wiccans who plan on dedicating themselves to a Deity may select this Sabbat to do so, since it is a fresh start so to speak. Out with the old and in with the new and all things that starts on Imbolc have a higher success rate.
Of course the Groundhog day is a old famer's traditon that would predict when spring was coming. Yes, a divination.
HERBS - Myrrh, Angelica, Orris, Clover, and Hyssop
STONES - Pearl, Opal, Moonstone, and Crystal.
Ostara - Spring Equinox - Easter
The Season of Spring has now begun and things are now beginning to grow once again. This new growth produces a burst of energy that has been dormant all through the winter months. We ourselves are finally recharged and ready to take on new things.
Tea Parties are a great way to welcome the season of Spring with family and friends. Herbal teas, tasty pastries and fresh flowers on the table are a perfect setting for honoring the Maiden herself.
This is a powerful time for all Witches, since the day and night are equal. There is a balance in the universe and that balance makes magick more steady then ever.
Let's not forget about the dyed eggs though. A good tradition to include in your Ostara rituals and besure to leave one for the animals outside.
HERBS - Roses, Wisteria, Jasmine, Mint, Chamomile and Patchouly
STONES - Rose Quartz, Citrine, Pearl, Moss Agate, and Malachite.
Beltaine - Lady Day - May Day
A strong fire Sabbat that symbolizes a great deal of things, such as Purification, Successful ending and fertility. It is considered a good time for marriages, which were known as Handfastings.
Wiccans believe that this is the day that the God and Goddess are joined together for which she concieves. However, prior of Wicca, Pagans had considered the mating time during the Spring Equinox (Ostara) Since growth has begun and there is a equal balance with the night and day.
The maypole is a symbol of the male phalus, which is a long pole that was placed in the center of town with long ribbons hanging from it. Women would grab hold and dance around it. Historical pictures of this can be seen in eastern Pennsylvanina dated back in the 1940's.
Some will honor the Goddess Maia who is known as the Grandmother of Magick and the Goddess of Spring.
HERBS - Thyme, Clove, Tarragon, Frankencense, and Lemon.
STONES - Orange Calcite, Rutilated Quartz, Sunstone and Bloodstone.

The earth is putting out a bounty of great harvest during this time and she is very strong.
This is known as the first harvest. While we are reaping the great gifts that she is giving to us with her vegtables, fruits, flowers, etc, we must also take in accout that this is hardly a small gift.
For me it is odd for anyone to consider any Sabbat a minor one when the earth is a constant ever changing thing. No matter how harsh the winters can be, she always comes through, especially during the time around Lammas.
Honoring the Sun (God) is a great gesture. Many will honor the Deity Lugh around the world including Ireland.
HERBS - All herbs, fruits, grains, and flowers.
STONES - Topaz, Emerald, Sunstone, Citrine, and Gold,
Mabon - Autumn Equinox - Harvest Feast
This is another time of balance that makes it more practical to cast spells for healing, equality,
fairness and strength. For this is the 2nd and last harvest of the year and as we gather the last of it's gifts we ourselves give thanks to Mother Earth and Father Sky.
This is the Witches Thanksgiving and a great deal of thought and heartfelt love is appreciated for all of nature. We know what lies ahead in the winter months and do not look upon it as a downward step but as a cycle that continues.
Some will leave some food outside for the animals, for they too must prepare for the months ahead and that is one way of thanking them.
Some cultures will try to say that Pagans and the Druids would have human sacrifices to ensure next season's harvest. This is hard to prove espescially when the Druid’s reverence for life was so great that they refused to lift a sword to defend themselves when massacred by Roman soldiers on the Isle of Mona. In addition, Pagans and Romans in ancient time have only been linked to animal sacrifices and never human.
HERBS - Myrhh, Sunflowers, Ginger, Frankencense, and Nettle
STONES - Rose Quartz, Amber, Opal, Moonstone, and Tiger Eye
Summer Solstice - Litha - Midsummer
The longest day and shortest night of the year. Some Witches will decided to stay up all night since it is the shortest to celebrate this Sabbat. The Sun God is at his peak in power during this time for which it is a joyous and magical occasion !
Rituals are best done during the day with lots of crystals. Some people will leave them in the sun during that day to charge them fully. In ancient times, Pagans celebrated Midsummer with bonfires, and would leap through the flames, believing their crops would grow as high.
Today you may see Wiccans/Pagans wearing garlands of flower wreaths upon thier head to help celabrate during this time, but the custom of this is old one. Certain flowers and herbs were included in this floral head wreath for protection, the herb was called "chase-devil". Today this herb is known as St. John's Wort
This Sabbat is a season divison from Spring to Summer. In Japan a seasonal division is referred to as "Setsubun"
HERBS - St. Johns Wort, Lavender, Slippery Elm, Wormwood, thyme and Rosemary
STONES - Lapis, Moonstone, Gold, Amythest, Quartz Crystal & Opal