Tanzanite: Helps to reduce stress and clears your head.

Tiger Eye: A powerful protection stone for people and animals.
Helps with motivation and increases willpower.

Topaz: Brings joy into one's life. It also will attract wealth in many ways.

Tourmaline: A powerful attraction stone, as well as freindship.

Tree Agate: A soothing inner peace stone. It can also help in self discovery.

Turquoise: A powerful protection stone for children and women.
It also promotes balance and harmony.  Turquosie with silver and coral tranmutes it's energies into healing as well as protecting men.

Yellow Jasper: Travel protection and helps in communication.

Zircon: Helps heal the mind and reconnects us to the earth.

T - Z
Tiger Eye                  Turquoise
Charging your Stone
3 days prior to the Full Moon would be a good time to charge your stone using this method.

Create a circle using different color candles. There should be 9 candles around your circle. Place a white cloth out in front of you and sprinkle some seasalt on it.

Then lay a black cloth on top of the white cloth. Sprinkle some sage on the black cloth.  Then place your stone(s) in the middle of the black cloth. Say the words below three times.

Then fold the black and white cloth around your stone and tie it with a string or silver ribbon.

Place it in the window sill or a place where the moon can shine down on it. When the full moon comes, take your cloth outside and open it.
Hold the stone in your hand and say the words again but only once.

"I charge this stone with power and light
   with full moon blessing on this night."