Step 2 -  From that middle point, place your white stones in a cross position. Be sure to leave a space in the middle for you to stand.
Step 1 -  Write your question on a piece of paper and bury it .
Step 3-  Place one unlighted candle at the end of each stone line, as show in picture. (4 total)
Step 4 -  Take burning sage and walk around the outer part 3 times in silence. 

Step 5 - Take a bowl of water, blow slowly into the bowl one time.
Then walk around the circle slowly one time while sprinkling inwards. 
"By the North, Stone, Hand and Crossroad
 Aid me in this question and let the answer unfold"
"By the East, Stone, Hand and Crossroad
 Aid me in this question and let the answer unfold"
"By the South, Stone, Hand and Crossroad
 Aid me in this question and let the answer unfold"
"By the West, Stone, Hand and Crossroad
 Aid me in this question and let the answer unfold"

Step 10- Now all the candles should be lit as shown in this picture. 
Go stand in the middle and say the words
below this picture 3 times.

Step 8- Now move to the South, light the candles, position your hands the same way and say the words.

Step 9- Now move to the West, light the candles, position your hands the same way and say the words.

Step 6- Light the North candle then place your hands down upon the ground with each hand on the side of each stone line as shown in picture. Then say the words below this image.

Step 7- Now move to the East, light the candles, position your hands the same way and say the words below this image. 
After that you will continue with the South and West.
You can create this ritual in either of these places:

   1.  Outside upon the ground
   2.  In a large room, upon a purple or black blanket/rug.
   3.  Upon a table.

If the location that you choose is 2 or 3, you will need a small bowl of dirt.
Step 1 -  Locations for 2 or 3 - this is where                  you place your potted soil.
"I stand upon this crossroad, with land, wind, flame and sea
 Assist and guide my question, with a answer, Blessed be!"

Step 10- If you are using a table, you must lean inwards and place both of your hands on top of each other in the middle while you say the words 3 times.
Pick up one candle at a time (order does not matter) and face east.
While holding one candle at a time, say the words below and then you must blow each one out. Do not snuff it.
                                     "I thank and welcome my guidance to come. Blessed be."

Pick up the four inner stones that are around you - close to you. Place them together in a pouch. Also sprinkle some of the dirt that you buried your question with. (2 pinches is good enough)

Then starting inwards remove the rest of your stones (direction order does not matter)

Keep your question buried. If you have it in a pot, bury it in the ground as soon as you get the chance.

When St Patrick's day arrives (In March) gather 3 items to represent the Maiden, Mother and Crone. Also 1 brand new white candle and take out your pouch.  Sit down and place each stone around you in the 4 directions. You should be facing east. Place your 3 items in front of you and your white candle. (do not light yet)

Reason why this spell connects to this day.  St. Patrick was the one of many who was appointed by the church to convince the Pagans to turn from their idols and to follow the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, & Holy Spirit) All religious holidays have spiritual power connected with it and we shall blend and conform our spiritual beliefs  with theirs. Just like they have done with our holidays. 

Say these words 3 times.

                           "Through the Flames,  Upon the Stones
                             Holy Trinity,   Maiden, Mother and Crone"

Now light your white candle and say these words one time.

                        "By the Mother and Father,    Maiden and Son,
                          Crone and Spirit,  this spell is done,
                          Triple Goddess,    aspects of three
                          Holy Trinity,          So mote it be."

Using your finger draw an invisible pentagram over the candle, then snuff it out. (Do not blow)You can now place the stones outside. This spell is complete. If you like you can designate the white candle as your Imbolc candle for the following year. 

(This is a spell that takes time over the coarse of several weeks)