Candle Magick is such a common basic tool for Witches. There is nothing complicated at all about it. There are many ways in using candle magick. Here you will learn a simple method that any Witch can do.This is anointing your candle with an intent. Try it out, then when you are down, fill out the form on the bottom part of this page. If you don't have a color candle, you can use white.
Step 1 - Select the color candle that represents your intent. (See chart below)
Step 2 - Select 3 herbs that matches your intent and place them in a bowl or plate.
Step 3 - Lay your candle on the bowl/plate of herbs. As long as it is laying in it, there is not need to have it covered.
Step 4 - You are charging your candle with this one intent. It shall always be used for this.
Step 5 - Hold your bowl/plate with your candle in it and say these words three times,
"I charge this candle, with _________________ on this night
with the moon's blessing, with her light,
herbs of Earth, and wick of Fire
for __________, is the intent I desire,
I spin this candle, and herbs round three
I charge this candle, So Mote it be !"
Step 6- Now spin your bowl/plate 3 times, clockwise. Then let it set outside or by a window facing the moon's direction over night.
The next day, remove your candle from your bowl/plate and kiss it and say, "Blessed Be, for you are my candle of __ ______ .
Sprinkle your herbs on the ground and put your candle up until you are ready to use it.