Bless our words with Goddess light
that we now carry through the nights,
With ancient wisdom of the past
will aid us with the spells we cast,
By eastern's air and southern fire
we shall direct and ignite it's power
By western waters and northern earth
we shall soothe and ground like a hearth,
Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall
seasons of four we celebrate them all
like a wheel that spins and spins
nature rotates itself once again,
Maiden, Mother and the Crone
for which to us, she is known.
for she is one, but also three
a loving Goddess to you and me.
Father Sky, God of Sun
for he is not the only one,
he who has, many names
Like the Goddess, it's the same.
Cauldron, Crystal, Pentagram mark
we use in daylight and the dark,
age old symbols and precious tools
putting them to use from Imbolc to Yule.
Wisdom from one generation to next
for each will gleefully learn to connect,
using natural magick from inside
sharing spells as we confide.
For in the night or on any hour
we have the ability to feel the power
power of energy, power of light
with free will and guided sight.
Black Magick is a term that attacks
for Magick is niether white or black,
any magick that is bad or dark
only resides in a witches heart.
Things in need with magickal gain
should not be looked on with any shame,
for these are blessings given for our need
out of necessity and not of greed.
With respect and positive light
we know what is considered as right.
no need for redes or commandments
with free will we use our common sense
In harsh times we protect and shield
never needing to have anyone killed.
We do our best to avoid conflicts
not judging anyone on race or sex.
Preserving goodness within and around
is a Pagan's desire naturally found.