This is a ritual to bless the land where your garden is located. It should be performed during the day when the sun is out.
Items Needed:
Combine this mixture of liquids - 1 cup of water, 1 cup of milk & 4 spoons of honey.
It should be put in a glass or glass bowl. 

1 green candle
Lavender herb
Mint herb
Sage Stick
Stand in your garden area and light the Sage Stick. Hold your hands up with the burning sage. Tilt your head back and close your eyes. Feel the warm sun on your face and relax.
Breathe in the air and when your ready place the sage stick onto a safe surface.

Stick the candle into the ground a little and light it. Be sure nothing is around the candle
to catch fire. It should just be soil or stones.

Throw the lavender and mint in all four directions of your garden.

Take a tiny sip of your liquid and then say these words,

    " I take into myself the same liquids that I share with the earth.
      For nourshiment, growth, and to prosper.
      As I pour this liquid upon Mother Earth,  let the sun bless it and the            rain quench when dry.
       For this is my will, Blessed be !"

Now pour the liquid onto the burning flame. Then bury the candle.
If for some reason your flame does not go out this could indicate your garden may need
some extra attending to or have a slower growth then expected.
  Put the flame out and then bury it.